Saturday 23 August 2008

Dismal Week

Well what a week that was - Two days and nights closeted in an Hotel room in Eurodisney the good thing was I could purchase the English daily papers so at least I had a puzzle or two to play with - memo to self increase games on office computer.

Why why why do Parents teach the offsprings not to talk to strangers and THEN encourage or even push them into the arms of a Giant Mouse and its not just a few there must of been 50,000 of various nations in the complex, all there to see the Giant Mouse and its friends! Talking Dogs gee haw shucks!

I must be the original Mr Grumpy, and queues have you ever seen such lines the Americans call them I pity the poor Bus drivers who work the hotel shuttles in the area boy do they earn their Euros, and wow how Rude can folks be, on holiday yes but no need to be impolite, I overheard one group who on holiday abroad (yes english) for the first time moaning about some chaps lack of understanding, cos the recipient -French, involved couldnt speak english, if Mr Angry had wanted that then why didnt the moron stay in Margate? they all speak English, Polish, French, German, maybe urdu and pashtu as well!

The food well French it wasnt but universal slops it was, especially after 4 -500 people had sorted their way through the Food Service area it was like going through a giant hanger with attitude and of course the interuptions of Giant Mice.... I just wonder how many million Croissants a day pass through the complex, there must be a machine working endlessly just making them and as they are baked building in instant stale!

Ho hum thats this weeks gripe over lets see how the Scots fare next week - Is it Haggis season?

Thursday 14 August 2008

Home sweet home

Well here we are at last back in the old home stead! That last week was very fraught never having been to Austria before, and then on the way back I found out the GO machine was flat 'Good job' i didnt get stopped that would of cost a bucket load of Euros! But that is what we are for these foreign johnny's a walking ready cash machine....

Who'd be a Coach driver abroad these days? Mind you its just as bad if not worse in the UK always on the look out for the men in Brown coats but hey they have a job to do just like us....only thing is if you get caught doing something wrong its not your legs that get slapped its your wallet that gets emptied and when you dont earn a site then that is almost like living below the poverty line...but what you have to remember is that if they catch you they get their brownie points and they get their bonus for the about food chain...

But boy the scenery was nice see the pictures but that does'nt pay the rent,

Ho hum must be away got to go clean some windows or the pax wont know where we are!! as if I do!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Painless Tours

Well thats another done and dusted, Last week it seemed as if the whole of Germany was at a place called Neuwanstein Castle and a few dogs as well, but wow what a place thats how the other half used to live. But what a load of stairs. The only people making loadsa money were the Horse Bus drivers 5 Euros up the hill 2.50 down now thats the way to do it! But the scenary was worth it in the end but not the heart attack hee hee
Note to self must learn how to put in pictures... maybe Sue B will take pity on me and let me know in words of one sylabub. Oh Oh theres the fone bye for now....

Monday 4 August 2008

Home thoughts from Abroad

Well that went well, Two days travel sees us ensconced in an hotel in Austria yodelling all the way, free day today so here I am writing the blog at a cost 5euros an hour!!! must made of money, group all nice and more later....

These Hotels know a cash cow when they see one - some nice groups give you free Wifi but there are groups that want to charge an arm and a leg for Internet connection as if we dont pay a shed load of money already, its like using an hotel fone have you tried a mortgage to phone home thats why we have mobiles although well enough rantings

Time I think for a large cool one - if lucky

Room service!! - I didnt want to buy the glass as well 3 euros for that! wheres that supermarket?

Must fly gotta go to Super thingy for a bottle of coke its cheaper! By the way the picture is the little outlet where I got my drink!

Nice name but I dont think they did sell what they were advertising

ho hum wheres the factor 200 what is it slop on the cream, slip on a banana, slap on a hat?