Wednesday 30 July 2008

Welcome to the World of Blogging

Welcome to the World of Blogging - its easy, you should do it, nothing to it, and so on and so on so my mentor (sueblimely of australian fame tells me) and she should know! Shes been doing this sort of thing for ages.

Well here goes, I love my job well I did 40 years ago but I am still doing It so that tells you something. I must be a glutton for punishment or I dont know any better, by the way, It is carrying members of the general public around all day long to fulfill their travel or wanderlust, what makes them sit in a metal box for hours watching the countryside fly by?

Over the last few months we have travelled loadsa miles or even kilometres, and all for £5:05 an hour, I wish I was a Petrol Tanker driver getting the big bucks - £41,000 now is whispered in hallowed tones,all right they could get themselves blown to the middle of next week if they are careless but they are in their own beds every night!

We purveyors of long distance travel are in somebody else's bed most nights, sometimes shared with a bed bug or two or the odd flea. Depends on the standard of the accommodation cos after all you're only the driver! words often said scathingly! Yes but this only the Driver has brought 49 folks with pockets full of cash to spend in the establishment that has the group bedded down and this driver wants a good nights rest instead what does he get a night listening to humming of kitchen extractor fans or the whirring of the Lift motors as the drunken revellers crash their way to their accommodation, en suite and tv waiting.

I often wonder how much our bosses get for sending us to all these outlandish places and how do they find them. Hey Ho off we go....