Monday 1 September 2008

Back in the Country

Hi Folks, now back in the country - having had a week in the land of the Kilt and the Haggis. Weather was ok tho who says you have to go abroad for the sun we got some sun and of course some rain, We went visiting all sorts of beautiful scenary and guess who had left the camera at home... but the colours were lovely when it wasnt foggy...

The hotel well it was okay but why oh why cant they use local produce in their restaurants oh sorry one night we had Haggis and it was fresh and very moist as were the neeps, luckily tho no Bagpipes were in evidence....

But what a long haul, the roads seemed to go on and on bit like this post I hear you say.... okay okay I can take a hint I'll hang up the keyboard till later when I get back from the next trip you guessed it back to Scotland, so I 'll take the high road and you can take - you know the song. Tara till next week

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok mate, see ya
Had a sudden thought - is there or was there an actual low road and high road into Scotland or do the terms refer to something else completely different?

Also - What does a sassen have a knack for?